Our Approach
Dispatch Integration’s “DIVE™ Methodology” is a Proprietary, Agile Project Management Methodology For Delivering Digital Transformation.

Great Things Happen in the Journey through Discovery & Design, Innovation, Validation, and Empowerment

Discover & Design


Dispatch’s agile based development approach includes continuous testing as solutions are being built. Because the solutions we build are mission critical for our clients, we run a formal validation phase that includes a full suite of integration, system, smoke, regression, and user acceptance tests.
We create detailed “Failure Modes and Effects Analyses” (FMEA’s) to ensure test protocols incorporate a wide variety of use-cases, and purposely generate failures to ensure error handling is comprehensive and elegant. We know acceptance testing is often challenging for our client teams who have to test in addition to their normal role, so we provide a “Test Sherpa” approach that ensures testing is comprehensive, efficient, and minimally disruptive.

Our ultimate goal is to empower our clients. Client team members are engaged throughout every project to guide solution design, ensure build quality is high, and prepare the organization for the day-to-day changes that automation can bring. Workflow automation projects require change management, training, and knowledge transfer to ensure our solutions are embraced by users and can be fully managed by the client organization. We help our client teams feel full ownership and empowerment with every solution.
Data Integration & Workflow Automation Solutions
We develop high impact integration and workflow automation solutions for our clients that deliver exceptional customer and employee experiences while improving scalability and reducing costs.
Start your assessment
Dispatch Integration has built HR data integrations and workflow automations for companies worldwide. Learn how we can help unlock the full potential of your HR app ecosystem.