Translating Enterprise Skills in a Consumer App Quality Assurance Process


Our client is a mobile game developer who has created a fun social experience that gamifies the elements of the justice system.


As a rule, we build enterprise-grade workflow automation solutions, but we get the opportunity to do something a little more whimsical on occasion. In this case, one of our enterprise clients had also created a mobile game that creates delightful social experiences among friends and colleagues. The game was almost code-complete but needed a final code cleanup and quality assurance review. They turned to Dispatch to help them deliver an enterprise-grade quality experience for their initial release.


The initial release of this game is focused on iOS users, and consists of an app built in Swift, combined with a back-end cloud-based service that orchestrated the social experience of the app.

We did a thorough quality assurance review of both the device side and cloud-side elements of the app.  Several issues were found related to libraries and other application components, which we updated to more modern and resilient solutions.  We found and addressed user-experience bugs related to user profile management, error-handling, email notifications, and deprecated API usage.  We identified unexpected behaviors when using the Sign-In-With-Apple (SIWA) service combined with Facebook logins.  We also found some issues with different versions of iOS and how some elements of the user interface were implemented.


We identified and fixed these issues over a few weeks and completed an accelerated test process using Apple’s iOS simulator and on-device TestFlight services.


The result of our work was a stable, secure and reliable application. What’s interesting is that while this is clearly a consumer-oriented application, many of the fundamentals for enterprise solution development are directly transferrable to app development.  In fact, arguably, consumers have even higher expectations of performance, reliability and functionality than enterprises users.

While this extended our skills into Swift and the Apple ecosystem, which is not as prevalent in the enterprise space, it was a great experience and has enriched our ability to integrate consumer-grade expectations into our enterprise-grade solutions.


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March 8, 2022

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